

Our Dream

We have been praying to start small football academy centers in different parts of our country, which is very big geographically. The first stage toward this dream is to launch our first Ambassadors Football Training Centre in 2021. However, for this to happen we have some goals that we want to achieve in 2019 when we hope to open a self-sustainable football academy that provides 5 soccer clinics in the Grajaú-São Paulo region. It is a very poor region, but we want to see the children from these clinics be the evidence of the work for the bigger project. This project will include 1 coach, 1 fitness trainer, 1 nutritionist, 1 sports psychologist, and 1 counselor to best assist these children. We hope then to use work as the model for our academies and replicate it at the national level.

Our Need

We can name at least three for Brazil.
1) Financial resources. Many of our missionaries are bravely serving the Lord even in the absence of the minimal financial support that is needed. They are doing this because the Lord has opened the doors for great ministry opportunities in the favelas and even state schools whom have asked us to train and create relationships with students from public schools to help them stay away from drugs and crime.
2) Intercessors. We need prayer! We have felt very real spiritual pains and struggles as we have entered into places of service to families dealing with drugs, crime, and poverty.
3) Missionaries. We need help from those called to serve and to give!

Our Inspiration

We love seeing children and adolescents being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God, leading them to an abundant life Jesus as promised in John 10.10. “The thief eat only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he has eat for his destruction: I have come so that they can have life and have it in greater measure”.


One day a child in our prayer time asked us to pray for his father. When we asked what for specifically, he replied, “My father used a lot of drugs and now he has no money to pay for the drugs he used and I know that if he doesn’t pay the debt they are going to kill him.”

Another boy said, “Teacher, I know that I am a child, but I know that my life has changed since I began to participate in the Ambassadors and also through the messages I hear from you in the church.”

This is why we do what we do…to make a difference in the name of Jesus.

Our Ministry Overview

Ambassadors Football Brazil seeks to help equip churches to fulfill God´s call to make disciples of all nations by using football as a tool for ministry. This is done primarily through Ambassadors Football ministry training courses called TREC (Training Resourcing and Equipping Churches). Brazil has been very focused on training disciples through TREC and have conducted courses throughout the entire country. Their desire is to see the transformation of individuals and communities through football ministry as they partner with those they train to make Christ known throughout Brazil.